Business Loans

Business loans are a simple product that provides your business with a one-off cash injection. The type of security, term and repayment options vary from each lender. They can also be used to restructure existing loans.



Business loans over a term of up to 5 years and secured against an asset and in most cases a property, which can be either commercial or residential. 


Business loans over a term of up to 6 years but will not require a fixed charge over an asset but in most cases will require a personal guarantee. 

HMRC Funding 

Facilities to spread either corporation tax or VAT payments over a longer period to improve the cash position in the business. 

Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS)

The scheme aims to help businesses affected by coronavirus and can be used for business purposes.

Merchant Cash Advance 

The lender provides the business with a cash advance, which it repays through a percentage of its customers’ card payments using a card terminal.